Monday, November 24, 2014

Eat That Frog -- Book Review

This is one of the earliest books that I got on time management and was quickly able to finish most of the reading in real quick time! The final few chapters are where one would get stuck as the moving gets a bit tough in there. Finally, after multiple attempts was able to complete the book a month back. As the title suggests, Brian Tracy provides us with 21 different ways/techniques to beat procrastination and come up trumps against time. It is no coincidence that many of the techniques suggested are about increasing one's effectiveness. The author provides some really good tips on time management and it was very clear from the outset itself that religiously following even a few of these techniques would greatly improve one’s usage of time. Given below are snippets of the 21 different techniques:
      1)      Set the table
      2)      Plan every day in advance
      3)      Apply the 80/20 rule to everything
      4)      Consider the consequences
      5)      Practice creative procrastination
      6)      Use the ABCDE method continually
      7)      Focus on key result areas
      8)      The law of three
      9)      Prepare thoroughly before you begin
    10)  Take it one oil barrel at a time
    11)  Upgrade your key skills
    12)  Leverage your special talents
    13)  Identify your key constraints
    14)  Put the pressure on yourself
    15)  Maximise your personal power
    16)  Motivate yourself into action
    17)  Get out of the technological time sinks
    18)  Slice & dice the task
    19)  Create large chunks of time
    20)  Develop a sense of urgency
    21)  Single handle every task

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