Monday, April 13, 2020

Springboard: Launching your personal search for success -- Book Review

Jealousy… That is the keyword that comes to my mind when I think of ‘Success’. How is jealousy and success related? Let me elaborate. Every time I pick up a book for reading, there usually will be a strong reason why that choice was made. Somebody from my friends’ circle would have recommended that book for me or I would have read rave reviews about the book somewhere or a simple case that the topic just fascinates me. Success is one such topic that I really love to learn more about and hence when I saw this book in a yard sale, it was natural that I picked this book. That is an easy and logical explanation which would make sense for anybody.

Somehow, deep down I knew that there is something more to my ‘Success’ fascination.  I had to go deep inside myself to probe the real reason for my fascination (Obsession?) with success. During this “deep down inside” search, I acknowledged to myself that I was trying to come up with my own definition of success. Why was this ‘My very own definition’ of success required? Because I somehow had reluctantly accepted the fact that I could never aspire or achieve the success of big houses, amazing bikes & extravagant cars that my Facebook friends were having. Those things looked really far-fetched and non-achievable given my circumstances at the time I had rejected a job in the USA & moved to Chennai due to personal reasons. The jealousy of seeing some of the new cars that my friends were proudly showing off in their Facebook pages drove me crazy. And yet, at the same time, that jealousy looked so stupid for I knew as well that a big house, the latest gadgets, the wall-sized TVs won’t give me any happiness. In my heart of hearts, I intuitively knew that those things don’t matter to me. An interesting dichotomy within me came to my realization: the realization that I was jealous about not having things that I was not interested in having at all! That got me thinking about what my success parameters were in the first place. The book “Springboard: Launching your personal search for SUCCESS” by Richard Shell has given me the answers for “My very own definition” of success.

Book Review:
Richard Shell is a professor at the famous Wharton School & is the creator of the ‘Success Course’. He starts the book with a short narration of his own personal story & how he ended up where he is presently. This introduction gives a solid & yet grounded beginning to what is to come in the book & I was excited by the direction in which the book was headed! Shell divides the book into 2 distinct topics or questions: the first question is the all essential “What is success?”. He provides us with various perspectives or framework about what success means and asks us to make our own definition from this framework. Once you have answered the 1st question, the 2nd question he comes up with is “How will I achieve it?”. As part of this book review, I will provide a broad introduction to the subtopics within these 2 questions and hopefully that would enable you to pick up this book for reading.

Question #1: What is success?
Step #1: Shell starts with a simple exercise called the ‘Six Lives Exercise’ where he gives the reader a short paragraph about the lives of 6 different people and wants us to rank those lives on who we believe have achieved success. I felt this was an excellent exercise for it gave me a chance to look at my ideal definition of success and as well the practical manifestation of it in the way I was living/running my life. From this exercise, it became clear to me that success always is a mix of achievement & happiness, a concoction of outer-worldly achievement & inner fulfillment. I learned that balancing these 2 aspects of success (Where the balancing point lies is different for different people) is paramount. The sooner we realize this, the better we will be in terms of aligning our goals & life so as to steer ourselves towards our final destination.

Step #2: According to Shell, when we ask people to define success, the most common answer would be “To be happy”. He calls this the ‘Easy answer’ and goes on to explain why this definition of success might not be sufficient. He doesn’t discount the answer but he forced me to further refine & define what ‘happiness’ meant to me. Along the way, he throws in some wonderful thought starters and amazing quotes to further refine our definition of happiness.

Step #3: The 2nd perspective that the author provides for understanding success comes from a societal standpoint. How does your society (Where you are born & brought up) shape your definition of success? If your society values fame & fortune and considers those as a measure of success, there is a high chance that you are following that societal narrative. He asks us to stop and think whether the narratives that we are acting out in our lives are really ours or are they coming from our environment. What I found very interesting in this chapter (And the entire book as well) is the number of real-life stories that are given to bolster the narrative and add more weight to his analysis of success.

Step #4: “Life’s too short for the wrong job” is the quote that begins this chapter that elaborates about finding “Meaningful work”. Shell classifies the work we do into 3 distinct buckets namely job, career & calling or meaningful work. A job is something that we do to support us & our family, to get money on the table to allow us to pursue whatever it is outside of our work. A career is something that one pursues in order to achieve certain goals in their lives: be it a certain responsibility, fame or fortune. A meaningful work is something where the work they do allowed people to live their values on a day-to-day basis. It could be a social cause that they believed in or a chance to live the principles they associate with themselves. The author not only defines meaningful work but also provides a great framework to move towards it. He explains it in terms of 3 intersecting circles namely rewards, emotions and talent.

This is one insanely good framework from which to look at the work one is doing and to realign our work to be at the intersection of these 3 circles. Shell as well goes on to provide 7 ‘foundations’ on which meaningful work could be found. He uses the acronym PERFECT to describe these foundations.
P à Personal growth & development
E à Entrepreneurial independence
R à Religion or spiritual identity
F à Family
E à Expressing yourself through ideas, invention, or the arts
C à Community – serving a cause, helping people in need
T à Talent-based striving for excellence

The key takeaways for me from Part-1 of this book is the fact that there is no “one size fits all” definition of success. Even though I knew this intuitively before, the examples and various theories that are presented in the book made it very easy for me to understand that “My definition” of success will be different from someone else’s definition. Also, I became convinced that my definition of success should eventually be an amalgamation of happiness, relationship, fame & fortune and meaningful work. I also understood that this definition will be an evolving & growing entity and not a static definition. As I mature, grow older & priorities in life changes, there would be a need for me to revisit this definition and re-calibrate my compass to keep moving in my chosen right direction.

Question #2: How will I achieve it?

If all that one needs to achieve success is to understand what success means to them, then reading the first part of this book would suffice. However, defining success for yourself is only the start of a long journey. It is like understanding what are the items that you need for your long trek. Getting those items, actually getting started on the trek & eventually sustaining the trekking to give yourself a chance to complete it requires another set of skills. Shell provides us with a clear set of skills or capabilities that will be required to start & sustain this journey.

Step #5: Discover your capabilities: Each one of us is endowed with a special set of capabilities and harnessing these capabilities is important for maintaining the success journey. Even though it is easy to say that one is not endowed with this skill or that particular capability (Outside-In if I have to steal the words from the great Stephen Covey), the better place to start would be from what is inside us (Inside-Out).
Shell calls out 4 diamonds that each one of us should unearth from within us. They are:
  1. A persons’ interests and passions
  2. Aptitudes & skills
  3. Past experiences
  4. Personality strengths

These are the places from where we will be able to identify our own capabilities and if our journey is based on these strengths, it would be a much smoother ride.

Step #6: Motivation: If you have read any kind of “Success books”, you would have noted that they would ask you to set ambitious goals & then to pursue it with a single-minded focus. Though this is a valid and very important step, what I have found missing in all of these books is a way to motivate yourself to pursue these goals on a daily/regular basis. I have always set myself audacious goals at the beginning of the year (Or a month or a week) and yet the motivation to pursue these wanes slowly as the days roll by. Shell talks about using a judicious mix of internal & external motivation to sustain ourselves. He also provides some methods of motivating oneself like:
  1. Making yourself accountable
  2. Interacting frequently with role models
  3. Creating rituals that motivate you
  4. Bettering your own records or a continuous self-improvement
  5. Proving yourself to someone else (Like a rival)
  6. Harnessing your survival instincts

For all of the above methods, Shell provides us with some great examples and how to utilize these methods to motivate ourselves. Once again, I found the examples refreshing and the methods to be very practical. 

Step #7: Self-Confidence: This chapter begins with the quote “It is not always the people who start out the smartest who end up the smartest” and I immediately could connect with this quote. If there is one thing that I am really proud about myself, it is about my ability to work hard to master any complex topic. I don’t consider myself the most brilliant person around and this realization has made me understand the significance of working hard to improve myself and compete with the best. In the book, Shell talks about earning the ‘Rite of passage’ by doing, failing, picking oneself up and then finally succeeding. If you have gone through any kind of failure in your life & then used that failure as a learning opportunity and propelled yourself forward, you would immediately understand the concept of ‘Rite of passage’. Each of us would have gone through some similar experiences and the idea is to go back to those hard times & use them to boost your self-confidence for the present situation you are in. It is about believing that if you have overcome failure before, it is possible to overcome failures now as well. 

Shell as well talks about 2 levels of confidence. They are:

  1. Level one confidence which is essentially a belief in your own self combined with an absolute belief in your commitment to high personal character standards. In simpler terms, it is the belief in your own goodness of character, ability to take action to improve an existing situation by positive actions.
  2. Level two confidence deals with specific skills and activities. It is essentially the belief that you could get smarter and better at any skill if you decide to work on it.

As usual, Shell talks not just about the levels of confidence but as well on how to go about acquiring it. This is a recurring theme in his entire book wherein he introduces a topic and then goes on to provide practical examples & tips about how to acquire/improve on that particular topic.

Step #8: Passion, Imagination, Intuition and Reason: In this chapter, we are introduced to the 4 mental powers each one of us are endowed with namely passion, imagination, intuition & reasoning. Shell outlines a method for using all these 4 powers to move towards success.

Consult your passions – identify a worthy goal
Let your imagination & intuition generate ideas
Commit to a specific, challenging plan
Break it down into small steps
Improvise & adjust – then close the deal
(The 5 lines above are taken verbatim from the book)

Shell provides the example of Charles Lindbergh (The first person to fly nonstop over the Atlantic) to illustrate how Lindbergh used all the 4 mental powers to achieve his feat. Even as Shell dives deep into the ‘success’ story of the Trans-Atlantic flight, he comes back to remind us of the life that Lindbergh lived and asks the reader to consider whether such a life could be considered as a ‘Successful’ life. This as well is one of the highlights of the book as the author provides a balanced view of things & always provides a holistic view.

Step #9: Influence others: Even though the book is all about the pursuit of personal success, the last chapter makes it very clear that personal success is never a one man show & always requires the help of others. The author talks about 2 aspects that are required for influencing others namely credibility and dialogue.

Credibility is what you earn by doing the right things and this allows one to earn the trust of others. Only when we have the trust of others will we be able to influence them to cooperate with you on your pursuit.

The chapter also delves deep into what a ‘friend’ means and Aristotle’s categorization is given as an explanation for understanding what a ‘friend’ means. Aristotle classifies friends into 3 categories namely:
  1. Friends of pleasure
  2. Friends of utility
  3. Friends of virtue
If credibility is one important aspect for influencing others, the other aspect is the ability to engage in meaningful give-and-take dialogues. As the wise saying goes ‘Listening is a primary act of love’, engaging in meaningful dialogues encompasses listening as much as sharing your thoughts. I was reminded of Stephen Covey’s “Consideration & courage” when I read about the importance of listening. Unless we are considerate enough to listen without judging and then have the courage to express our viewpoints, the ability to influence others will not be in our grasp. 


What are the key takeaways for me from this book?

  1. There is no universal definition for success. It is something that I need to define for myself considering the various facets like happiness, relationships, fame, fortune & meaningful work
  2. The keyword seems to be ‘Balance’. A balance between inner & outer success measures, a balance between internal & external motivators.
  3. Fame is fleeting and even the most ‘popular’ personalities live in the minds of only a small percentage of people for a short span of time. The key question, I understood, is whether my work would transcend time & make a difference in this world?

Circling back to where my obsession with success started, have I overcome my feeling of being jealous? I would definitely be lying if I answer that it is completely gone. There is still some residual jealousy that springs out now & then but it is really less when compared to a decade ago. The moment a thought of jealousy pops into my mind, I quickly acknowledge it, realizing that the other persons’ life (And success parameters) are different from mine and my journey in this world is unique and by comparing myself with them am only bringing myself down.

(And oh, did I tell you that am no longer active in Facebook? 😊 )